Tag: video games
The Jarbochov Sometimes Roundup (June 10th, 2022)
🏷️BDG, Bo Burnham, GAN, Google Chrome, halo, mythbusters, plastic, recycling, safari, sound design, video games, wordartHello and welcome to the Jarbochov Weekly Roundup hotline. Press 1 to be rounded up to the nearest common denominator, Press 2 to join the JWR hive mind, Press 3 for free pizza ➡️
The Jarbochov Weekly Roundup (April 15th, 2022)
🏷️3Dprinting, amtrak, kirby, money, public transit, roads, squid, tilt-shift, twitch, video games, wordleIn this week’s Rotund Upward we look at how to roll uphill. ➡️
The Jarbochov Weekly Roundup (March 18th, 2022)
🏷️daylight, dst, game design, google docs, history, humanity, kinder egg, mr. rogers, therapy, video games, zeldaWhen I say “weekly” you say “roundup”. Weekly… ➡️
I ❤️ Tetris
If you’ve ever met me and video games were a discussion topic then you’ll know that I deeply adore Tetris. I’ve always felt that Tetris was the purest video game ever created. No one version of Tetris supplants the others as each is unique. Some may scoff at new features like being able to hold… ➡️
Lateral Technology
An excerpt from Super Mario Bros. 2 (Boss Fight Books Book 6) by Jon Irwin: Each of these advances in business strategy relied on the same simple idea: building something new from old parts. Yokoi called it the philosophy of seasoned—or lateral—technology. State-of-the-art didn’t necessarily equal innovation and wonder. But find a clever way to… ➡️