Category: Uncategorized
Google Buzz. Sting!
Google Buzz has debuted with a lot of buzz itself. A few privacy concerns have popped up that Google has addressed here, and here. Google Buzz has an advantage: A huge head start of users via Gmail. I envision Buzz being a social aggregator nearing the awesomeness of what Friendfeed was before Facebook acquired them… ➡️
iPhone @ $99
In case you hadn’t heard, the iPhone is at $99 now. Which makes it the best phone you can afford now. Unless you only use your phone to make calls. ➡️
Shower Time With Clark Kent
Hello there. It been a while since there has been a post here. And I think we can all admit that Blog A Day failed. Anyhow, with the help of some friends we made a new video. Check it out. Shower Time With Clark Kent from Jared Cherup on Vimeo. ➡️
Blog-A-Day™ Status Report – January 22
This blog-a-day initiative has fallen apart recently. I think I’m an entire week behind. It’s hard to write everyday. Today in particular. I can’t think of anything of any substance that I want to talk about. I think it may be contributed to the fact I only had 3.5 hours of sleep last night. If… ➡️
Central Ohio Driving
Central Ohioans do not know how to drive when something is falling from the sky. While this may sound as a complaint, I think there should be a study comparing accidents, and driving behavior during rain and snow compared to other demographics. I have several friends (and while this may be anecdotal) from outside the… ➡️
Radio Poll Results
Not that many of you responded. Is anyone reading? Here are the results to the poll I put up about Radios. For the 6 of you who answered, you all listen to FM in the car. 1/3 listens to NPR. Hoorah. I think there needs to be some sort of new innovation in radio, but,… ➡️
Radio. Schmadio.
Radio. Do you listen to it anymore? Any type? I do. I love radio. It decides what I’m listening to. I signed up for an XM online radio account. They have some good stations. One of my faves is Hair Nation. It’s all 80’s hair bands music. Great music. I also have some quality classic… ➡️
Zombie-zene Energy Drink
With it still being January and many peoples hopes of losing weight yet uncrushed, I’ve come up with the perfect diet and exercise plan. It’s a little new age, and a bit gimmicky, but I think it’s marketable. It is: The Zombie Apocalypse. That’s right, zombies, an apocalypse, and a better you. Let me lay… ➡️
Cookies Are A Sometimes Food
Who brainwashed Cookie Monster? I know this is old news but I want answers. On a completely different note: I’ve been twittering more and more these days. You can find me at . I’ve been using and not using Twitter since it came out forever ago. It’s amazing how many people, groups, and businesses… ➡️
Sad Season
Trying to get my obligatory post in before midnight. I just got done watching the Ohio State game. It was a roller coaster of emotion. I think Todd Boeckman was good tonight when he was in. I seriously would like to see us win a bowl game. This season has been bittersweet since we never… ➡️