Tag: music
Album Collecting
I like physical media… okay? Are you really suprised this is a new rabbit hole I’m going down. ➡️
My Top Music 2020
Man, a lot of people use Spotify. Until they allow me to upload my own music (like Apple Music does) it’s never meant to be. You can’t play the Donkey Kong Land soundtrack on Spotify. (And before someone busts in here telling me about the local files option… yeah I know, it’s dumb. I’m talkin’… ➡️
Endless Jingling
Endless Jingling was written and recorded by Josh Millard. It selects a handful of christmas songs at random from a collection of three dozen recordings, then jumps around randomly between them forever and ever and ever or until you reload for a new combination of songs. This is both easy to listen to and disconcerting… ➡️
Auditory Creative Endeavors
I dislike Winter very much. I never have inspiration to do anything creative even though I’m indoors for most of the season. Now cut to Spring, my favorite season, and the choice season for critics alike1. I’ve felt reinvigorated to start some new things and start creating. So I have. Podcasting Shawn and I have… ➡️
Music Select
In today’s age of the remix, some artists are putting their own touches and takes on some familiar classic works. No, not Shakespeare, but rather the classics of our generation: video games. There are a ton of covers out there for video game music and plenty of awesome sites like OC Remix to find them.… ➡️
Working on an Album
I’m making a debut album… and then going swiftly into retirement. ➡️
Shower Time With Clark Kent
Hello there. It been a while since there has been a post here. And I think we can all admit that Blog A Day failed. Anyhow, with the help of some friends we made a new video. Check it out. Shower Time With Clark Kent from Jared Cherup on Vimeo. ➡️
More 8-Bit Holiday Music
Another holiday 8-bit music album by Doctor Octoroc called 8-Bit Jesus. This album mixes classic 8-bit motifs with holiday music. That’s all the posting I will do about 8-bit music this week. ➡️