The Jarbochov Stratagem

Living in the gray.


  • Sony Scares Me


    Sony has just patented a theoritical approach to sending images, smells, and feeling to the brain. From The U.S. patent, granted to Sony researcher Thomas Dawson, describes a technique for aiming ultrasonic pulses at specific areas of the brain to induce “sensory experiences” such as smells, sounds and images. This is the future of… ➡️

  • Happy Birthday Gmail


    GMail turned one year old today. And they gave all the users a gift. They are upping their storage to 2 GB and beyond. No April Fools joke here. In fact GMail was originally thought to be an April Fools joke because it came out on April 1st, and promised what was once thought to… ➡️

  • Mitch Hedberg (1968 – 2005)


    My favorite comedian Mitch Hedberg was found dead in his hotel room earlier today. It’s not sure what the cause of his death is yet. I was lucky enough to see him just a little over a month ago. He’s one of the few people who have made me laugh until I hurt. May he… ➡️

  • Sharing Is Caring


    I thought I would write an entry in here for who ever was interested. There’s a new website up that is sponsored by the Internet Archive and Drupal. The site is called The premise is, they’ll host and promote your media. Pretty cool. They’ll host audio, video, images, and text for get this… free.… ➡️

  • A Firefox Tip


    I’ve helped several people make the switch over to Firefox. But many people don’t have the time or the know-how to explore all of its functionality. A cool feature that Firefox can implement is to open EVERY link in a new tab. So you would only have to deal with one Firefox window. I use… ➡️

  • Google Goes X


    Unfamiliar with all the tools Google provides? Make this your new homepage. Update: 3/19/05 – Apparently within 24 hours of putting this in Google Labs, it was taken down. Perhaps it was too much like Apple’s OS X. But, regardless, here’s a mirror link. ➡️

  • Privacy Schmivacy


    While we were all talking about the privacy of Plaxo, AOL recently just stole some of our privacy. AOL just updated its Terms of Service (TOS) for its popular instant messenger AIM. Now anything that you type through AIM is now free game for AOL to use. They can use it at will, without informing… ➡️

  • Plaxo or Perish


    I was told to heavily endorse Plaxo, which I’m going to do. Jarb’s got me involved in this program, and it kicks serious ass. To quote myself: Peggusus: Thanks to Plaxo, I can sort through my priorities in the time it takes AOL users to realize their old mail hasn’t been archived! It’s really great… ➡️

  • Google Goes To The Movies


    Google’s latest feature release includes a movie search. Think Yahoo! Movies… only… now to Google, and BETTER. There isn’t a specific button to it. But if you type “movie:” and then your search term, you’ll find what you are looking for and more. Type “movie:45056” and you get all listings near the Oxford area complete… ➡️

  • Unhappy Hateintines Day


    I hope you are enjoying a very unfortunate unhappy Hateintines Day as you realize that everyone hates you and hopes you die. I found these special hearts just for today. I also found a church that believes what I believe in. Enjoy a very horrible stupid Hateintines Day… By the way, these images were created… ➡️