Hello! Winter is here, as I write this there are several inches of snow, sleet and ice outside (I so do not want to go shovel the driveway.) This has been a very weird week for me, I’ve had several weird dreams and my brain has been oddly firing on several cylinders.
A very dense roundup for you this week, so dive in!
Black Lives Matter: The Story of the First 10 Years
A very detailed history of the Black Lives Matter movement, and the last decade of horrible tragedies.
Tumblr Is Everything – The Atlantic
Apparently the CEO quietly left in the past month with Matt Mullenweg the Automattic CEO coming in to fill the role.
Video Games
Apartment by Freeplay Independent Games Festival, Kalonica
I saw this game described as the opposite of Unpacking, and set during the pandemic. I should play this on stream sometime.
Playing The Ouya In 2022 – New Updates – YouTube
The OUYA is still usable in 2022? This is dedication to the platform that never was.
This game looks really cute… for a game about spiders. It really makes you feel like a spider, man.
You were there when Wordle became a web sensation. You laughed at Letterle. But I think I found the next best game in the series: Globle
I really like this one. I once knew where each country was on every continent and promptly forgot that information. I feel like this could help build that geographical memory and I think it’s a fun game for understanding where places are in the world.

Saxophone & Final Fantasy music? Get out of town!
WMO certifies two megaflash lightning records | World Meteorological Organization
Now that’s what I call lightning. Wow.
The longest single flash that covered a horizontal distance of 768 ± 8 km (477.2 ± 5 miles) across parts of the southern United States on 29 April 2020. This is equivalent to the distance between New York City and Columbus Ohio in the United States or between London and the German city of Hamburg.
First Look: New Emojis in iOS 15.4

Count me down for melty face.
You ever tried cooking a steak with lava?
There is a professional pillow-fighting league.
Photos from the NASA probe Cassini timelapsed as it passes Jupiter and Saturn and their moons.
David Letterman finally has a YouTube channel. I don’t know about you, but I love when talk show hosts keep their archives on YouTube. So much history from stupid gags (thinking about the Walker Texas Ranger Lever stint on Conan) to the numerous interviews with people that aren’t just shilling their wares.
German learns about Tipping in the U.S.
DUDE. The Jerry Seinfeld Daft Punk remix I never knew I wanted. I’ve listened to this too many times today.
That’s all this week, I hope you have a great weekend!
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