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Living in the gray.

Category: old

  • Do Diddy Do Do Do


    Has anyone noticed a very large increase in tourism ads on cable for Prince Edwards Island. The commercial with the addictively annoying fiddle music in the background? Maybe it’s localized here, but maybe not. Comment if you’ve seen a lot of this commercial too. Sometimes they’ve played it twice in a row. AH! ➡️

  • In Your Face Information


    Seemingly the race is on to put any and all information in the average computer users face in ON! This is welcome in my eyes since it’s advertisement free. But what the heck am I talking about? First up is Konfabulator. Recently purchased by Yahoo!. Konfabulator puts widgets on your desktop. What are widgets? (If… ➡️

  • The Flying Spaghetti Monster


    So in case you don’t follow the news at all, the Kansas State Board of Education accepted Intelligent Design as an alternative to the Theory of Evolution in science classes. However, since we’re all open to alternative religions in the United States, (and because Intelligent Design doesn’t have anything to do with science) , a… ➡️

  • Odeo: Podcasting Simplified


    I wrote that article on podcasting a while ago, without an easy way to show everyone what it was about. Well luckily a new service has launched. I got to beta test it a while ago. It’s called Odeo, and it’s creator is the same person that created Blogger, Evan Williams. Right now the site… ➡️

  • Google Earth (It’s Free!)


    Google’s latest release is Google Earth. After aquiring Keyhole last October they put their aquistition to use immediately. You may remember hearing about Google released Google Maps, and later added satellite imagery to Google Maps. Now they’ve released a very powerful tool. Google Earth is an interface to satellite imagery and Google’s vast information about… ➡️

  • MIT Weblog Survey


    That’s right. I made science. Or rather I’m a statistic. If you have a weblog, whether it be Blogger, Livejournal, Xanga, or whatever you can participate in this survey for MIT. MIT Weblog Survey ➡️

  • Web Service Roundup #2


    It’s time for another session of my web service roundup, so go ahead and giddy up.Audioscrobbler Keep track to what your listening to, and get recommendations based what you’re listening to. Discover new music defined by your tastes. And find new people with the same music tastes. Audioscrobbler uses a plugin in your media player… ➡️

  • Interesting… But Stupid… Maybe


    I’m all over the Internet trying new things, and experimenting as I go. Here are some “projects” I’m working on.Geotagging My Photos I’ve started an account at which is linked to my Flickr account. I’ll occasionally “geotag” photos, which essientially means I’ll add latitude and longitude data of where I took them. I’m not… ➡️

  • Web Service Roundup #1


    I thought it would be good to post a few web services that are worth taking a look at. Upcoming.orgThis service allows you to view concerts, gatherings, and other major events based on metro areas. You can sign up for multiple metros and even add events yourself. Includes feeds, tags and more.All ConsumingKeep track of… ➡️

  • Excorist: The Redo


    I was un aware of this until today. I’m sure you are aware of the flop of Excorist: The Beginning. But apparently this year they decided to remake the movie. It’s the same story, same director, and the same actors even. Can you do that!? Well if it’s any consideration, the newer one got a… ➡️