The Jarbochov Stratagem

Living in the gray.

Working Software Titles

I find working in Photoshop the closest thing to therapy. Once I have an idea, I can make something happen. Here are some dumb ideas I made:

From the team that brought you Wario Teaches Money Laundering comes follow up to the classic hit Get Off Waluigi’s Lawn! 2. Those pesky kids are back , and you have to make sure Waluigi doesn’t get a citation from his Home Owners Association.

“Get off my lawn you keeeds, I’ve gotta wahhhter it!”

Cherup & Cherup Securities Cruises Extended Warranties and Catering knows that running a business can be hard. Especially when you’ve got a few Johnny Loose Lips running around. Well now you can practice your business ideas before putting them into practice, and all you need is a copy of our latest software Cherup & Cherup Securities Cruises Extended Warranties and Catering Racketeering Simulator for the Nintendo Family Computer system. You probably have one laying around. Go look.

“It’d be a shame if something were to happen to your knees in the middle of the night.”

We also offer other great titles like Luigi & Knuckles at the Jazz and RibFest 2003, and the challenging puzzle game Toitris. “Can you nip all the problems in the bud, chief?”

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