The Jarbochov Stratagem

Living in the gray.

Month: August 2007

  • Best Video Game Results


    Okay, your votes are in for the best video game of all time which won with 2 votes. (drumroll please!) Super Mario Bros. 3 That’s right! Everyone’s favorite plumber in one of the greatest platformers of all time. Players could power up numerous ways. Fire Mario, Raccoon Mario (who could fly!), Frog Mario, Tanooki Mario,… ➡️

  • Youtube CNN Presidential Debates


    On Monday July 23rd 2007 the first of it’s kind happened. What of it’s kind? A democratic presidential candidate debate where questions were submitted by YouTube users and played on national television. It was really quite revolutionary and some questions were asked that most candidates may have tried to avoid in another format. Now obviously… ➡️