The Jarbochov Stratagem

Living in the gray.

Month: February 2007

  • Gmail Registration Is Now Open To All


    It’s official Gmail is open to the public. You no longer need to be invited, or register by cell phone. Gmail is nearly perfect now. You can pull email via pop3 and send using the same address (i.e. You don’t have to use your Gmail address. You can also export via pop3 with use… ➡️

  • Exactly!


    If you have a moment please view this video on the evolution of what the web is becoming. Simply beautiful! ➡️

  • Pardon My Dust


    I am in the process of changing a few things around here. For instance the page you are now on will be referred to as the Blog found at . Change your browsers accordingly. If you see something wrong please let me know (missing images, bad links, etc.) Wish me luck! ➡️