The Jarbochov Stratagem

Living in the gray.

Month: April 2005

  • You, Podcasting, and You


    I felt the need to write you about podcasting, and why I think it’s a wonderful idea. When you hear pod now… what do you think of first the Pod People or an iPod? podcasting was originally derived from iPod and broadcasting,but that’s only because the iPod has had a significant influence on how we… ➡️

  • Bloglines: Feeds Unleashed


    I think it’s time to inform everyone of something we call feeds. I’m sure you’ve seen them, and maybe wondered what the big deal is. Well feeds are used for distributing content across several types of platforms. The most common type is an aggregator. A program that runs on your computer, and notifies you when… ➡️

  • Rappin’ Mr. T


    Ha ha. Be nice to your Mom and other people’s Moms. Mr T. sings it to you.Link ➡️

  • Sightseeing On Your Butt


    Google Maps has really got a boom of attention since it was released. Several people have posted “Memory Maps” which are satellite photos of where they used to live, or places they remember. A lot of fan sites have popped up too. The coolest thing is you can instantly link someone to what you are… ➡️

  • Show Me Your Pictures!


    Instant messaging is a great tool. However sometimes it’s limited. Sometimes I want to show people pictures, without e-mailing them or posting them to a webpage. Direct connect on AIM is kind of behind the times. What is there to do? Well, you could download Hello. Hello is Picasa’s “sidekick” of sorts. It’s an instant… ➡️

  • Photoshop Without The Price


    As many visitors of will see. I use Photoshop a lot. But you may not be willing to pay the price for Photoshop. So there are some free alternatives that you should check out. One is GIMP. Originally made for Linux, but has a Windows version as well. It’s pretty advanced, so check it… ➡️

  • Sony Scares Me


    Sony has just patented a theoritical approach to sending images, smells, and feeling to the brain. From The U.S. patent, granted to Sony researcher Thomas Dawson, describes a technique for aiming ultrasonic pulses at specific areas of the brain to induce “sensory experiences” such as smells, sounds and images. This is the future of… ➡️

  • Happy Birthday Gmail


    GMail turned one year old today. And they gave all the users a gift. They are upping their storage to 2 GB and beyond. No April Fools joke here. In fact GMail was originally thought to be an April Fools joke because it came out on April 1st, and promised what was once thought to… ➡️