The Jarbochov Stratagem

Living in the gray.

Latest Posts

  • Snowflake

    While snowflake has a negative connotation in modern American vernacular, snowflakes are actually pretty heckin cool! Check out this snowflake generator by Vivian Wu. It comes pretty close to capturing the real thing. Also, please teach your children that ALL snowflakes have three axises (six sides). Some snowflakes I’ve been able to capture in my… ➡️

  • Lyric Logistics: The Fire


  • Winterlapse


  • Video Game Ornaments

    The holiday season and video games are intrinsically tied together in my memories. It was always when the games to play were released. I had always wanted to have a video game focused tree, and fortunately we’ve had one the past few years. My wife was a huge supporter of this idea (and wants me… ➡️

  • My Top Music 2020

    Man, a lot of people use Spotify. Until they allow me to upload my own music (like Apple Music does) it’s never meant to be. You can’t play the Donkey Kong Land soundtrack on Spotify. (And before someone busts in here telling me about the local files option… yeah I know, it’s dumb. I’m talkin’… ➡️

  • Fall Colors

    Autumn is generally not one of my favorite seasons. But I’ll have to say with everything going on in 2020, I am welcoming it with open arms with its cool nights, and beautiful colors. I should probably go somewhere this weekend to capture the peak colors before they are gone. ➡️

  • A little doodle I did for Inktober and Pixel Art Day. ➡️

  • Lyric Logistics: Everybody Is Working


  • Pikmin Short Movies

    These were originally released in 2014 as paid downloads for the Wii U and Nintendo 3DS. I of course bought them on both platforms. This was after Pikmin 3 launched on the Wii U. I love these shorts. They were storyboarded by Miyamoto and made me really wonder why Nintendo hasn’t pursued using their characters… ➡️

  • Return From Vacation

    Guess who’s back. Back again. Jared’s back. TELL NO ONE! 2020 is a year that we will not forget. But fortunately Erica and I were able to get some much needed reprieve. Beach Jared lived again this year. I didn’t do much other than chill, take photos, read, and rest, and play with our friend… ➡️

Whatcha Lookin’ For Stranger


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