The Jarbochov Stratagem

Living in the gray.

Web Service Roundup #1

I thought it would be good to post a few web services that are worth taking a look at.
This service allows you to view concerts, gatherings, and other major events based on metro areas. You can sign up for multiple metros and even add events yourself. Includes feeds, tags and more.

All Consuming

Keep track of what you are consuming and what you’ve consumed. I’m not talking about food, but media. Let people know what you’re reading, or watching. Add entries, tags, and ratings based on what you’ve consumed.

The best in terms of bookmark online storage. Save bookmarks to website. Rate them, tag them, share them, organize them. Includes importing and exporting from Firefox. Never lose your bookmarks again. Include them in your blog. Definitely worth checking out. Keep all those accounts organized.

Reminding everyone about this one too. Keep all of your contacts online. Members are automatically synchronized with each other as information is updated. You can choose whether to show personal or business information or both. Choose who can view what. List old e-mail addresses so people can find you easily. Very expansive. You can also keep Calendar events, Tasks, and Notes. And it syncs with Outlook. Check this one out.

This is a web based feed aggregation service. It’s very similar to Bloglines. It has some cooler features and organization options. It also has a nicer interface in this authors opinion. A super easy to read all of your blogs without leaving the page. It’s a little slower than Bloglines in terms of speed and aggregation of the feeds.

If anything, check them out. I recommend them. They’ll help you keep a more organized Internet.




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